Monday, 7 August 2017
Best Before Date
We took a tramp around the local Lammas meadow. Having been mown it was all a bit tired, just weathering the mid-equinox lag and waiting for the autumn. I tell you Comrades, after the revolution the concept of Lammas meadows is going to be big. Ancient Lammas lands (frequently water meadows) were a system of land ownership which sustained most communities in Northern Europe for centuries until capitalism f*cked society up. Local families "owned" plots of Lammas land marked out by posts like this one which were harvested for grain or hay. On Lammas (1st August), all the land reverted to common pasture for grazing, so you had better have harvested your crop before then. When the land flooded in the winter, the livestock was moved off and the next cycle began.
Oh, Jeremy Corbyn!
Nikon D7200
Tokina 100mm f/2.8
f4 1/2000 ISO 100