Monday, 8 May 2017

Acid Green

Euphorbia amygdaloides

Although this isn't the finished product due to equipment problems, this is closer to the look I'm after for these high key floral shots. The composition is much better - after some effort I seem to be overcoming my fear of negative space and my bad habit of cropping too tightly (see below). The light is also better, although as I say, hampered by technical issues. I feel like this is progress. Someone commented to me that it might be possible to achieve what I want in post processing. Although it's possible to ruin the effect by bad processing, it's not possible to generate it from scratch unless the starting material is good. Any thought that I could create the feel I want by tone mapping was quickly dispelled!

Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae.

Nikon D7200
Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8
f16 50mm 2.5s ISO 100

Euphorbia amygdaloides