Saturday 2 April 2016

I'm feeling lucky

Im feeling lucky

I'm still trying to love the Nik Collection. One thing I have learned so far - it's a huge time sink. My control freakery is making it difficult for me to give up the control I have learned over the years with Photoshop. To me, the filters seem to have a harsh, Instagram feel - or is that just Photoshop snobbery? On the other hand, I'm struggling to reconcile a package which has a filter called "I'm feeling lucky" (which is exactly what you think it is) with Ansel Adam's idea that you should know the image you want before you pick up the camera.

However, I've never been able to achieve anything like an acceptable HDR result with Photoshop, so the Nik HDR plugin was attractive. I took a 5 stop series of this uninspiring composition in order to try it out. What do you think? I'm still not convinced.